chickadee » srfi-151 » bitwise-xor

bitwise-and iprocedure
bitwise-ior iprocedure
bitwise-xor iprocedure
bitwise-eqv iprocedure

These operations are associative. When passed no arguments, the procedures return the identity values -1, 0, 0, and -1 respectively.

The bitwise-eqv procedure produces the complement of the bitwise-xor procedure. When applied to three arguments, it does not produce a 1 bit everywhere that a, b and c all agree. That is, it does not produce

     (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and a b c)
                  (bitwise-and (bitwise-not a)
                               (bitwise-not b)
                               (bitwise-not c)))

Rather, it produces (bitwise-eqv a (bitwise-eqv b c)) or the equivalent (bitwise-eqv (bitwise-eqv a b) c).

      (bitwise-ior 3  10)     =>  11
      (bitwise-and 11 26)     =>  10
      (bitwise-xor 3 10)      =>   9
      (bitwise-eqv 37 12)     => -42
      (bitwise-and 37 12)     =>   4