chickadee » chicken » special-forms » cond-expand

(cond-expand FEATURE-CLAUSE ...)syntax

Expands by selecting feature clauses. This form is allowed to appear in non-toplevel expressions.

Predefined feature-identifiers are "situation" specific:

chicken, compiling, library, eval, extras, utils, regex, srfi-0, srfi-1, srfi-2, srfi-4, srfi-6, srfi-8, srfi-9, srfi-10, srfi-11, srfi-12, srfi-15, srfi-16, srfi-17, srfi-23, srfi-26, srfi-28, srfi-30, srfi-31, srfi-39, srfi-55, srfi-61, srfi-62, srfi-69
chicken, extras, srfi-0, srfi-2, srfi-6, srfi-8, srfi-9, srfi-10, srfi-12, srfi-17, srfi-23, srfi-28, srfi-30, srfi-39, srfi-55, srfi-61, srfi-62, srfi-69. library is implicit.
csi, chicken, extras, srfi-0, srfi-2, srfi-6, srfi-8, srfi-9, srfi-10, srfi-11, srfi-12, srfi-15, srfi-16, srfi-17, srfi-23, srfi-26, srfi-28, srfi-30, srfi-31, srfi-39, srfi-55, srfi-61, srfi-62, srfi-69. library is implicit.

The following feature-identifier classes are available in all situations: (machine-byte-order), (machine-type), (software-type), (software-version), where the actual feature-identifier is platform dependent.

In addition the following feature-identifiers may exist: cross-chicken, dload, manyargs, ptables.

For further information, see the documentation for SRFI-0.