- make-uri-matcher routesprocedure
Accepts a routes list in the format described under Routes Format and returns a procedure of two arguments (method and uri like uri-match) for matching against it.
(use uri-common) (define match (make-uri-matcher `(((/ "") (GET "this is the root path!") ((/ "some") ((/ "nested") (GET "I'm nested!") ((/ (submatch (+ num))) (POST ,(lambda (continue n) (if (< (string->number n) 10) "what a humble number!" (continue))))) ((/ "route" (submatch (+ any)) (submatch (+ any))) (GET ,(lambda (continue x y) (format "I am the ~A and ~A!" x y))))) ((/ (submatch (+ any)) (submatch (+ any))) (POST ,(lambda (continue x y) (format "You've requested ~A" y))))))))) ((match 'GET "/")) => "this is the root path!" ((match 'GET (uri-reference "http://localhost/some/nested/route/alpha/omega"))) => "I am the alpha and omega!" ((match 'POST "/some/nested/2")) => "what a humble number!" ((match 'POST "/some/nested/12")) => "You've requested 12"