chickadee » srfi-217 » iset-xor

iset-xor iset1 iset2procedure

Return a newly allocated iset that is the union, intersection, asymmetric difference, or symmetric difference of the isets. Asymmetric difference is extended to more than two isets by taking the difference between the first iset and the union of the others. Symmetric difference is not extended beyond two isets. Elements in the result iset are drawn from the first iset in which they appear.


   (iset->list (iset-union (iset 0 1 3) (iset 0 2 4))) ⇒ (0 1 2 3 4)
   (iset->list (iset-intersection (iset 0 1 3 4) (iset 0 2 4))) ⇒ (0 4)
   (iset->list (iset-difference (iset 0 1 3 4) (iset 0 2) (iset 0 4))) ⇒ (1 3)
   (iset->list (iset-xor (iset 0 1 3) (iset 0 2 4))) ⇒ (1 2 3 4)