chickadee » srfi-207 » bytestring>?

bytestring<? bytevector₁ bytevector₂ bytevector₃ procedure
bytestring>? bytevector₁ bytevector₂ bytevector₃ procedure
bytestring<=? bytevector₁ bytevector₂ bytevector₃ procedure
bytestring>=? bytevector₁ bytevector₂ bytevector₃ procedure

Returns #t if the bytevectors are monotonically less than / greater than / less than or equal to / greater than or equal. Comparisons are lexicographical: shorter bytevectors compare before longer ones, all elements being equal.

Note: u8vector= from srfi-160 rounds out this family. For binary comparison only, use bytevector=? from r6rs-bytevectors or plain old equal?.

(The ability to compare more than two bytevectors is an extension to SRFI 207.)

(bytestring<? #u8"Heart Of Gold" #u8"Heart of Gold") ⇒ #t
(bytestring<=? #u8(#x81 #x95) #u8(#x80 #xa0)) ⇒ #f
(bytestring>? #u8(1 2 3) #u8(1 2)) ⇒ #t