chickadee » srfi-179 » list->array

(list->array l domain [ result-storage-class generic-storage-class ] [ mutable? (specialized-array-default-mutable?) ] [ safe? (specialized-array-default-safe?) ])procedure

Assumes that l is an list, domain is an interval with volume the same as the length of l, result-storage-class is a storage class that can manipulate all the elements of l, and mutable? and safe? are booleans.

Returns a specialized array with domain domain whose elements are the elements of the list l stored in lexicographical order. The result is mutable or safe depending on the values of mutable? and safe?.

It is an error if the arguments do not satisfy these assumptions, or if any element of l cannot be stored in the body of result-storage-class, and this last error shall be detected and raised.