chickadee » srfi-160 » u8vector-map!

u8vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
s8vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
u16vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
s16vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
u32vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
s32vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
u64vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
s64vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
f32vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
f64vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
c64vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure
c128vector-map! f @vec @vec2 ...procedure

Iterate over the elements of @vec and apply f to each, returning an undefined value with the results placed back in @vec.

If more than one vector is passed, f gets one element from each vector as arguments. If the lengths of the vectors differ, iteration stops at the end of the shortest vector. Only @vec is modified even when multiple vectors are passed.

If @vector-map! returns more than once (i.e. because of a continuation captured by f), the values returned or stored by earlier returns may be mutated.

SRFI 133