chickadee » srfi-160 » c128vector-partition

u8vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
s8vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
u16vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
s16vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
u32vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
s32vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
u64vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
s64vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
f32vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
f64vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
c64vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure
c128vector-partition pred? @vecprocedure

Returns an @vector of the same type as @vec, but with all elements satisfying pred? in the leftmost part of the vector and the other elements in the remaining part. The order of elements is otherwise preserved. Returns two values, the new @vector and the number of elements satisfying pred?.

SRFI 133