chickadee » srfi-116 » iunzip4

iunzip1 ilistprocedure
iunzip2 ilistprocedure
iunzip3 ilistprocedure
iunzip4 ilistprocedure
iunzip5 ilistprocedure

iunzip1 takes an ilist of ilists, where every ilist must contain at least one element, and returns an ilist containing the initial element of each such ilist. That is, it returns (imap icar ilists).

unzip2 takes an ilist of ilists, where every ilist must contain at least two elements, and returns two values: an ilist of the first elements, and an ilist of the second elements.

iunzip3 does the same for the first three elements of the ilists, and so forth.

(iunzip2 (iq (1 one) (2 two) (3 three)))
 ;=> (1 2 3)
 ;=> (one two three)