Single-ended queue data structure.
(require-extension queues)
Programming interface
- list->queue LISTprocedure
Returns LIST converted into a queue, where the first element of the list is the same as the first element of the queue. The resulting queue may share memory with the list and the list should not be modified after this operation.
- make-queueprocedure
Returns a newly created queue.
- queue? Xprocedure
Returns #t if X is a queue, or #f otherwise.
- queue-length QUEUEprocedure
Returns the current number of items stored in QUEUE.
- queue->list QUEUEprocedure
Returns QUEUE converted into a list, where the first element of the list is the same as the first element of the queue. The resulting list is freshly allocated and does not share memory with the queue object.
- queue-add! QUEUE Xprocedure
Adds X to the rear of QUEUE.
- queue-empty? QUEUEprocedure
Returns #t if QUEUE is empty, or #f otherwise.
- queue-first QUEUEprocedure
Returns the first element of QUEUE. If QUEUE is empty an error is signaled
- queue-last QUEUEprocedure
Returns the last element of QUEUE. If QUEUE is empty an error is signaled
- queue-remove! QUEUEprocedure
Removes and returns the first element of QUEUE. If QUEUE is empty an error is signaled
- queue-push-back! QUEUE ITEMprocedure
Pushes an item into the first position of a queue, i.e. the next queue-remove! will return ITEM.
- queue-push-back-list! QUEUE LISTprocedure
Pushes the items in item-list back onto the queue, so that (car LIST) becomes the next removable item.
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Version History
- 1.0
- Extracted from data-structures core library unit and released as an egg.