- (make-message-digest-primitive CONTEXT-INFO DIGEST-SIZE INIT UPDATE FINAL [block-length 4] [name 'mdp] [raw-update #f]) -> message-digest-primitiveprocedure
Create a message-digest-primitive object, defining a message digest algorithm.
The processing of a message digest is split into three phases: initialization, update, & finalization. These are represented by procedures: INIT, UPDATE | RAW-UPDATE, & FINAL, respectively.
- (or (CONTEXT-INFO -> context-object) positive-fixnum)
- (CONTEXT-INFO -> CONTEXT) ; returns the context-object, which should be unique. At least the object cannot be shared with another activated primitive.
- positive-fixnum : a memory-block of length CONTEXT-INFO bytes is allocated; the memory is automatically free'ed. The context-object here is a {pointer}} to a block of uninitialized memory.
- positive-fixnum
- The count of bytes in the result.
- (CONTEXT -> void))
- sets up the CONTEXT.
- #f or (CONTEXT SOURCE COUNT -> void))
- Must accumulate the SOURCE, beginning at 0, for COUNT bytes. Will be called zero or more times. SOURCE is usually a (or blob string) object.
- COUNT is the actual number of bytes in the SOURCE. Only the first COUNT bytes in the SOURCE are valid. COUNT is a positive-fixnum.
- when #f & RAW-UPDATE then an UPDATE is built, otherwise an error.
- Must build the message-digest result in the supplied result DESTINATION, which will have a byte-count of at least DIGEST-SIZE. DESTINATION is usually a (or blob string) object.
- When UPDATE is #f RAW-UPDATE must be defined.
- Must accumulate the memory at POINTER, beginning at 0, for COUNT bytes. Will be called zero or more times.
- COUNT is the actual number of bytes in the SOURCE. Only the first COUNT bytes in the memory at POINTER are valid. COUNT is a positive-fixnum.
- positive-fixnum ; default 4
- The primitive's accumulator length in bytes.
- (or symbol string) ; default uninterned-symbol.
- Identifies the message digest algorithm. The suggested form is <algorithm>-primitive, 'md5-primitive for example.