chickadee » math » solve-chinese

solve-chinese as nsprocedure
(list-of integer)
(list-of integer)

Given a length-k list of integers as and a length-k list of coprime moduli ns, (solve-chinese as ns) returns the least natural number x that is a solution to the equations

x = a₁ (mod n₁)
x = aₖ (mod nₖ)

The solution x is less than (* n1 ... nk).

The moduli ns must all be positive.

What is the least number x that when divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 2, when divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 3, and when divided by 7 leaves a remainder of 2?

> (solve-chinese '(2 3 2) '(3 5 7))

Wikipedia: Chinese Remainder Theorem