chickadee » macaw » rgb8-mix

rgb-mix color-list #!optional weight-listprocedure
rgb8-mix color-list #!optional weight-listprocedure
hsl-mix color-list #!optional weight-listprocedure

Proportionally mixes one or more colors, similar to the "convolution matrix" operation in image editing software. Returns a color whose components (including alpha) are the weighted sum of the given colors' components.

color-list is a list of one or more colors of any type. They are automatically converted to the target type before mixing.

weight-list is an optional list of real numbers, giving the weight of each color. It must be the same length as color-list. Usually the weights should total 1, but that is not required. Negative weights and weights greater than 1 are allowed. If weight-list is omitted, the colors are mixed equally.