chickadee » macaw » rgb8-array-for-each-pointer

array-for-each-pointer proc array ...procedure
rgb-array-for-each-pointer proc rgb-array ...procedure
rgb8-array-for-each-pointer proc rgb8-array ...procedure
hsl-array-for-each-pointer proc hsl-array ...procedure

Like array-for-each etc. but proc is called with pointers or locatives instead of color objects. This must be used with caution! The proc will be called with a pointer if the array holds a pointer, or a locative if the array holds a locative.

  (lambda (x y hsl-pointer_1 rgb8-pointer_2)
    (low-hsl->rgb8! hsl-pointer_1 rgb8-pointer_2))
  hsl-array_1 rgb8-array_2)