The lmdb-ht library provides bindings for the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Manager (LMDB) database management library.
Library procedures
- (db-open dbname [key: enckey] [mapsize: size])procedure
Opens or creates LMDB database with optional encryption key and map size, and returns database environment handle.
- db-close dbprocedure
Closes database handle.
- (db-begin db [dbname: dbname])procedure
Begins LMDB transaction with optional database name. This is required for all operations.
- db-end dbprocedure
Commits and ends transaction.
- db-delete dbname keyprocedure
Deletes key from LMDB database.
- db-delete-database dbnameprocedure
Deletes LMDB database.
- db-ref db keyprocedure
Looks up key in database.
- db-set! db key valueprocedure
Sets a key-value pair in the database.
- db-count dbprocedure
Returns number of key-value pairs in database.
- db-keys dbprocedure
Returns a list of database keys.
- db-values dbprocedure
Returns a list of database values.
- db-fold f init dbprocedure
Folds over the keys and values in the database.
- db-for-each f dbprocedure
Iterates over the keys and values in the database.
- hash-table->lmdb t dbfile #!optional enckeyprocedure
Saves SRFI-69 hash table to database.
- db->table dbfile #!optional enckeyprocedure
Loads database into SRFI-69 hash table.
;; lmdb encrypted key-value creation and lookup (let* ((fname (make-pathname "." "mydb.mdb")) (keys (list "k1" 'k2 '(k3))) (values (list 'one 2 "three")) (cryptokey (string->blob "1234")) (mm (db-open fname key: cryptokey))) (db-begin mm) (let loop ((ks keys) (vs values)) (if (> (length ks) 0) (begin (db-set! mm (string->blob (->string (car ks))) (string->blob (->string (car vs)))) (loop (cdr ks) (cdr vs))))) (db-end mm) (db-begin mm) (let ((res (let loop ((ks keys) (vs values)) (if (= (length ks) 0) #t (let ((v (db-ref mm (string->blob (->string (car ks)))))) (if (not (equal? (string->blob (->string (car vs))) v)) #f (loop (cdr ks) (cdr vs))))))) ) (db-end mm) (db-close mm) res) )
About this egg
Based on the lmdb library from LambdaNative - a cross-platform Scheme framework. Copyright (c) 2009-2015, University of British Columbia All rights reserved.
Packaged for Chicken by Ivan Raikov and Caolan McMahon.
Version history
- 3.2
- Added db-delete [thanks to alice maz and Caolan McMahon]
- 3.0
- Ported to CHICKEN 5
- 2.3
- Using (exn lmdb ...) style composite conditions to signal lmdb exceptions [thanks to Caolan McMahon].
- 2.0
- Added lmdb-begin/end procedures for explicit transaction control.
- 1.0
- Initial release
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