- (LISTING [(INITIAL <tail>)] ...)syntax
- (LISTING-REVERSE [(INITIAL <tail>)] ...)syntax
(FOR <result> (LISTING [(INITIAL <tail>)] ...)) (FOR <result> (LISTING-REVERSE [(INITIAL <tail>)] ...))
These each produce lists of the accumulated data with a final cdr of <tail>. LISTING yields a list in the order that the data were produced; LISTING-REVERSE yields a list in the reverse order of that.
<Tail>, if supplied, is evaluated once before the beginning of the loop. The default value of <tail> is the empty list.
For LISTING, <result> is a final variable.
For LISTING-REVERSE, <result> is a loop variable; its value in the final expression is the accumulated list in reverse.
(define (list-tabulate length procedure) (loop ((for i (up-from 0 (to length))) (for list (listing (procedure i)))) => list)) (define (take list count) (loop ((for i (up-from 0 (to count))) (for elt (in-list list)) (for prefix (listing elt))) => prefix)) (define (append-reverse list tail) (loop ((for elt (in-list list)) (for result (listing-reverse (initial tail) list))) => result)) (define (unzip5 list) (loop ((for component (in-list list)) (for result1 (listing (first component))) (for result2 (listing (second component))) (for result3 (listing (third component))) (for result4 (listing (fourth component))) (for result5 (listing (fifth component)))) => (values result1 result2 result3 result4 result5)))