chickadee » fmt » pad-char

pad-char <k> <format> ...procedure

The pad-char sets the character used by space-to, tab-to, pad/*, and fit/*, and defaults to #\space.

  (define (print-table-of-contents alist)
    (define (print-line x)
      (cat (car x) (space-to 72) (pad/left 3 (cdr x))))
    (fmt #t (pad-char #\. (fmt-join/suffix print-line alist nl))))

   '(("An Unexpected Party" . 29)
     ("Roast Mutton" . 60)
     ("A Short Rest" . 87)
     ("Over Hill and Under Hill" . 100)
     ("Riddles in the Dark" . 115)))

would output

 An Unexpected Party.....................................................29
 Roast Mutton............................................................60
 A Short Rest............................................................87
 Over Hill and Under Hill...............................................100
 Riddles in the Dark....................................................115