chickadee » fmt » justify

justify <format> ...procedure

Like wrap-lines except the lines are full-justified.

  (define func
    '(define (fold kons knil ls)
       (let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil))
         (if (null? ls) acc (lp (cdr ls) (kons (car ls) acc))))))

  (define doc
      "The fundamental list iterator.  Applies KONS to each element "
      "of LS and the result of the previous application, beginning "
      "with KNIL.  With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), equivalent to REVERSE."))

  (fmt #t (columnar (pretty func) " ; " (justify doc)))


 (define (fold kons knil ls)          ; The   fundamental   list   iterator.
   (let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil))       ; Applies  KONS  to  each  element  of
     (if (null? ls)                   ; LS  and  the  result of the previous
         acc                          ; application,  beginning  with  KNIL.
         (lp (cdr ls)                 ; With  KONS  as CONS and KNIL as '(),
             (kons (car ls) acc)))))  ; equivalent to REVERSE.