chickadee » chicken » process » process-execute

process-execute PATHNAME #!optional ARGUMENT-LIST ENVIRONMENT-ALISTprocedure

Replaces the running process with a new process image from the program stored at PATHNAME, using the C library function execvp(3). If the optional argument ARGUMENT-LIST is given, then it should contain a list of strings which are passed as arguments to the subprocess. If the optional argument ENVIRONMENT-ALIST is supplied, then the library function execve(2) is used, and the environment passed in ENVIRONMENT-ALIST (which should be of the form (("<NAME>" . "<VALUE>") ...)) is given to the invoked process. Note that execvp(3) respects the current setting of the PATH environment variable while execve(3) does not.

This procedure never returns; it either replaces the process with a new one or it raises an exception in case something went wrong executing the program.

On Windows, these procedures all have an additional optional parameter EXACT-FLAG, which defaults to #f. When #f is passed, any argument string with embedded whitespace will be wrapped in quotes. When #t no such wrapping occurs.