chickadee » chicken » irregex » irregex-split

(irregex-split <irx> <str> [<start> <end>])procedure
(irregex-extract <irx> <str> [<start> <end>])procedure

irregex-split splits the string <str> into substrings divided by the pattern in <irx>. irregex-extract does the opposite, returning a list of each instance of the pattern matched disregarding the substrings in between.

Empty matches will result in subsequent single character string in irregex-split, or empty strings in irregex-extract.

(irregex-split "[aeiou]*" "foobarbaz") => '("f" "b" "r" "b" "z")

(irregex-extract "[aeiou]*" "foobarbaz") => '("" "oo" "" "a" "" "" "a" "")