Sequential- and random-access sequences as procedures
This is a variant of Mario's callable-datastructures. But contrary to that egg, I don't consider hash-tables, but only ordered sequences, presently lists, pseudolists, vectors and strings. Additionally, there are two constructors for handling arbitrary sequential- and random-access sequences. Note that both types are implemented differently.
Since those sequences are ordered, it makes sense to consider not only references but slices as well. So, for example, if vec is (make-callable #(0 1 2 3 4 5)), then (vec 1 4) or (vec 4 1) are callables comprising #(1 2 3) or #(4 3 2) respectively.
- callablesprocedure
- callables symprocedure
documentation procedure: returns the list of exported symbols if called without argument, or the documentation of sym otherwise.
- make-callable seqprocedure
constructor: transforms the sequence into a procedure of zero, one or two arguments.
- zero: returns the original sequence and its length
- one: returns the reference of its integer argument
- two: returns the slice of its integer arguments respecting their order
- make-sas-callable seq seq-cons seq-car seq-cdr seq-null?procedure
constructor for sequential-access sequences: transforms the sequence, seq, into a procedure of zero, one or two arguments as above.
- make-ras-callable seq make-seq seq-ref seq-set! seq-lengthprocedure
constructor for random-access sequences: transforms the sequence, seq, into a procedure of zero, one or two arguments as above.
- callable-sas? xprprocedure
type predicate for callable sequential-access sequences
- callable-ras? xprprocedure
type predicate for callable random-access sequences
- callable? xprprocedure
type predicate for arbitrary sequences
- callable-length csprocedure
returns the length of the callable sequence cs
- callable-data csprocedure
returns the encapsulated data of the callable sequence cs
- callable-reverse csprocedure
returns a callable sequence, which is the reverse of the original one
(import callables) (define vec (make-callable #(0 1 2 3 4 5))) (define lst (make-callable '(0 1 2 3 4 5))) (define pair (make-callable '(0 1 2 3 4 5 . 6))) (define str (make-callable "012345")) (lst 2) ; -> 2 (vec 5) ; -> 5 (str 1) ; -> #\1 (callable-length pair) ; -> 6 (callable-length str) ; -> 6 (callable-sas? lst) ; -> #t (callable-ras? lst) ; -> #f (callable? lst) ; -> #t (callable? (pair 2 4)) ; -> #t (callable-data (callable-reverse pair)) ; -> '(5 4 3 2 1 0 . 6)) (callable-data vec) ; -> #(0 1 2 3 4 5) (callable-data (lst 2 4)) ; -> '(2 3) (callable-data (pair 4 2)) ; -> '(4 3 . 6) (callable-data (str 2 5)) ; -> "234" (callable-data (str 5 2)) ; -> "543" (callable-data (callable-reverse str)) ; -> "543210"
Last update
Aug 07, 2020
Copyright (c) 2020, Juergen Lorenz All rights reserved.
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Version History
- 1.0 ; initial version