- ajax-link path id text proc #!key target (action 'html) (method 'POST) (arguments '()) success no-session no-db (event 'click) vhost-root-path live on class hreflang type rel rev charset coords shape accesskey tabindex a-target prelude update-targets error-handler use-sxml strictprocedure
A shortcut to
(begin (ajax path id 'click proc ...) (<a> href: "#" [...other <a> keyword parameters...] id: id text))
The meaning of the target, action, method, arguments, success, no-session, no-db, event, vhost-root-path, update-targets live and on keyword parameters is the same as for ajax's.
The meaning of the class, hreflang, type, rel, rev, charset, coords, shape, accesskey, tabindex and a-target are the same as for html-tags' <a> procedure (except that a-target is <a>'s target, since ajax uses the target keyword parameter).
The event keyword parameter syntax is the same for ajax's event mandatory parameter.