chickadee » srfi-14 » char-set=

char-set= cs_1 ...procedure

Are the character sets equal?

Boundary cases:

(char-set=) => TRUE
(char-set= cs) => TRUE

Rationale: transitive binary relations are generally extended to n-ary relations in Scheme, which enables clearer, more concise code to be written. While the zero-argument and one-argument cases will almost certainly not arise in first-order uses of such relations, they may well arise in higher-order cases or macro-generated code. E.g., consider

(apply char-set= cset-list)

This is well-defined if the list is empty or a singleton list. Hence we extend these relations to any number of arguments. Implementors have reported actual uses of n-ary relations in higher-order cases allowing for fewer than two arguments. The way of Scheme is to handle the general case; we provide the fully general extension.

A counter-argument to this extension is that R5RS's transitive binary arithmetic relations (=, <, etc.) require at least two arguments, hence this decision is a break with the prior convention -- although it is at least one that is backwards-compatible.