- (ssl-start* (server? <bool>) (sni-name <string>) (tcp-in <input-port>) (tcp-out <output-port>) #!key ((protocol <symbol>) 'tlsv12) ((cipher-list <any>) "DEFAULT") (certificate <string|blob>) (private-key <string|blob>) ((private-key-type <symbol>) 'rsa) (private-key-asn1? <bool>) (certificate-authorities <string>) (certificate-authority-directory <string>) ((verify? <bool>) (not server?))) => <input-port>, <output-port>procedure
Given existing TCP input and output ports, ssl-start* establishes an SSL context working on top of the TCP connection. The returned ports should be used for all further communication with the remote peer. ssl-start* acts similar to ssl-connect* if server? is false or to ssl-accept if server? is true. The arguments all behave analogous to those for ssl-connect* or ssl-listen*.