Outdated egg!
This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.
If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.
This extension provides bindings for the OpenAL sound API, version 1.1.
See alut for a binding for ALUT, a utility library for OpenAL.
Currently this has only been tested on Mac OS X with the binary release and with Linux. Windows support should be trivial, but needs modification of the openal.setup script.
Functionality is split into several sub-extensions:
Usage: (require-extension al)
- al:BITSconstant
- al:BUFFERconstant
- al:BUFFERS_QUEUEDconstant
- al:CHANNELSconstant
- al:CONE_INNER_ANGLEconstant
- al:CONE_OUTER_ANGLEconstant
- al:CONE_OUTER_GAINconstant
- al:DATAconstant
- al:DIRECTIONconstant
- al:DISTANCE_MODELconstant
- al:DOPPLER_FACTORconstant
- al:EXTENSIONSconstant
- al:FALSEconstant
- al:FORMAT_MONO16constant
- al:FORMAT_MONO8constant
- al:FORMAT_STEREO16constant
- al:FORMAT_STEREO8constant
- al:FREQUENCYconstant
- al:GAINconstant
- al:INITIALconstant
- al:INVALIDconstant
- al:INVALID_ENUMconstant
- al:INVALID_NAMEconstant
- al:INVALID_VALUEconstant
- al:LOOPINGconstant
- al:MAX_DISTANCEconstant
- al:MAX_GAINconstant
- al:MIN_GAINconstant
- al:NO_ERRORconstant
- al:NONEconstant
- al:ORIENTATIONconstant
- al:OUT_OF_MEMORYconstant
- al:PAUSEDconstant
- al:PENDINGconstant
- al:PITCHconstant
- al:PLAYINGconstant
- al:POSITIONconstant
- al:PROCESSEDconstant
- al:RENDERERconstant
- al:ROLLOFF_FACTORconstant
- al:SIZEconstant
- al:SOURCE_ABSOLUTEconstant
- al:SOURCE_RELATIVEconstant
- al:SOURCE_STATEconstant
- al:SOURCE_TYPEconstant
- al:STOPPEDconstant
- al:TRUEconstant
- al:UNUSEDconstant
- al:VELOCITYconstant
- al:VENDORconstant
- al:VERSIONconstant
- al:BufferData INT INT C-POINTER INT INTprocedure
- al:DeleteBuffers INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:DeleteSources INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:Disable INTprocedure
- al:DistanceModel INTprocedure
- al:DopplerFactor FLOATprocedure
- al:DopplerVelocity FLOATprocedure
- al:Enable INTprocedure
- al:GenBuffers INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:GenSources INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetBoolean INTprocedure
- al:GetBooleanv INT U8VECTORprocedure
- al:GetBufferf INT INT S32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetBufferi INT INT F32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetDouble INTprocedure
- al:GetDoublev INT F64VECTORprocedure
- al:GetEnumValue STRINGprocedure
- al:GetErrorprocedure
- al:GetFloat INTprocedure
- al:GetFloatv INT F32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetInteger INTprocedure
- al:GetIntegerv INT S32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetListener3f INTprocedure
- al:GetListenerf INTprocedure
- al:GetListenerfv INT F32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetListeneri INTprocedure
- al:GetProcAddress STRINGprocedure
- al:GetSource3f INT INTprocedure
- al:GetSourcef INT INTprocedure
- al:GetSourcefv INT INT F32VECTORprocedure
- al:GetSourcei INT INTprocedure
- al:GetString INTprocedure
- al:IsBuffer INTprocedure
- al:IsEnabled INTprocedure
- al:IsExtensionPresent STRINGprocedure
- al:IsSource INTprocedure
- al:Listener3f INT FLOAT FLOAT FLOATprocedure
- al:Listenerf INT FLOATprocedure
- al:Listenerfv INT F32VECTORprocedure
- al:Listeneri INT INTprocedure
- al:SetDouble INT DOUBLEprocedure
- al:SetInteger INT INTprocedure
- al:Source3f INT INT FLOAT FLOAT FLLOATprocedure
- al:Sourcef INT INT FLOATprocedure
- al:Sourcefv INT INT F32VECTORprocedure
- al:Sourcei INT INT INTprocedure
- al:SourcePause INTprocedure
- al:SourcePausev INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:SourcePlay INTprocedure
- al:SourcePlayv INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:SourceQueueBuffers INT INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:SourceRewind INTprocedure
- al:SourceRewindv INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:SourceStop INTprocedure
- al:SourceStopv INT U32VECTORprocedure
- al:SourceUnqueueBuffers INT INT U32VECTORprocedure
Usage: (require-extension alc)
- alc:ALL_ATTRIBUTESconstant
- alc:ATTRIBUTES_SIZEconstant
- alc:DEVICE_SPECIFIERconstant
- alc:EXTENSIONSconstant
- alc:FALSEconstant
- alc:FREQUENCYconstant
- alc:INVALIDconstant
- alc:INVALID_CONTEXTconstant
- alc:INVALID_DEVICEconstant
- alc:INVALID_ENUMconstant
- alc:INVALID_VALUEconstant
- alc:MAJOR_VERSIONconstant
- alc:MINOR_VERSIONconstant
- alc:MIXER_OUTPUT_RATEconstant
- alc:NO_ERRORconstant
- alc:OUT_OF_MEMORYconstant
- alc:REFRESHconstant
- alc:SYNCconstant
- alc:TRUEconstant
- alc:CloseDevice C-POINTERprocedure
- alc:CreateContext C-POINTER S32VECTORprocedure
- alc:DestroyContext C-POINTERprocedure
- alc:GetContextsDevice C-POINTERprocedure
- alc:GetCurrentContextprocedure
- alc:GetEnumValue C-POINTER STRINGprocedure
- alc:GetError C-POINTERprocedure
- alc:GetIntegerv C-POINTER INT INT S32VECTORprocedure
- alc:GetProcAddress C-POINTER STRINGprocedure
- alc:GetString C-POINTER INTprocedure
- alc:IsExtensionPresent C-POINTER STRINGprocedure
- alc:MakeContextCurrent C-POINTERprocedure
- alc:OpenDevice STRINGprocedure
- alc:ProcessContext C-POINTERprocedure
- alc:SuspendContext C-POINTERprocedure
Usage: (require-extension openal)
This extension loads al, alc and alut and provides few higher-level operations. Note that loading this unit automatically calls alut:Init.
- openal:make-source INTprocedure
Creates a source from a given buffer identifier and returns the source identifier.
- openal:device-listprocedure
Returns a list of available device names.
- openal:make-buffer DATA STEREO? FREQprocedure
Creates a buffer from sound data (either a u8vector, a s16vector or a foreign pointer object. Returns a buffer identifier.
Generating a triangle wave:
(use openal al alc srfi-4 extras) (define device (alc:OpenDevice #f)) (define context (alc:CreateContext device #f)) (define data (make-u8vector 600000)) (define (sound i) (/ (modulo i 60) 60)) (let loop ((i 0)) (unless (>= i 600000) (u8vector-set! data i (inexact->exact (floor (max 0 (min 256 (* 256 (sound i))))))) (loop (+ 1 i)))) (alc:MakeContextCurrent context) (define buffer (openal:make-buffer data #f 44100)) (define source (openal:make-source buffer)) (al:Sourcei source al:LOOPING 1) (al:SourcePlay source) (read-line) (alc:MakeContextCurrent #f) (alc:DestroyContext context) (alc:CloseDevice device)
Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Felix L. Winkelmann All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Version History
- 0.9
- moved alut stuff into a separate egg (alut)
- 0.7
- test runs only for limited time when invoked over chicken-install
- 0.6
- fixed missing libraries for non-Mac platforms
- 0.5
- ported to CHICKEN 4
- 0.3
- fixed easyffi requirement in meta file (thanks to mario domenech goulart)
- 0.2
- fixed invalid references to obsolete openal-check procedure
- 0.1
- initial release