chickadee » glpk » lpx:simplex


This procedure solves the given LP problem using the simplex method. It can return one of the following status codes:

LPX_E_OKthe LP problem has been successfully solved
LPX_E_BADBUnable to start the search, because the initial basis specified in the problem object is invalid--the number of basic (auxiliary and structural) variables is not the same as the number of rows in the problem object.
LPX_E_SINGUnable to start the search, because the basis matrix corresponding to the initial basis is singular within the working precision.
LPX_E_CONDUnable to start the search, because the basis matrix corresponding to the initial basis is ill-conditioned, i.e. its condition number is too large.
LPX_E_BOUNDUnable to start the search, because some double-bounded (auxiliary or structural) variables have incorrect bounds.
LPX_E_FAILThe search was prematurely terminated due to the solver failure.
LPX_E_OBJLLThe search was prematurely terminated, because the objective function being maximized has reached its lower limit and continues decreasing (the dual simplex only).
LPX_E_OBJULThe search was prematurely terminated, because the objective function being minimized has reached its upper limit and continues increasing (the dual simplex only).
LPX_E_ITLIMThe search was prematurely terminated, because the simplex iteration limit has been exceeded.
LPX_E_TMLIMThe search was prematurely terminated, because the time limit has been exceeded.
LPX_E_NOPFSThe LP problem instance has no primal feasible solution (only if the LP presolver is used).
LPX_E_NODFSThe LP problem instance has no dual feasible solution (only if the LP presolver is used).