chickadee » ck-macros » c-drop5

(c-drop1 L) → listsyntax
(c-drop2 L) → listsyntax
(c-drop3 L) → listsyntax
(c-drop4 L) → listsyntax
(c-drop5 L) → listsyntax

Drops a predefined number of items from the front of the given list. Fails if the list is too short. See also c-udrop.

Analogous to (drop L N) from SRFI 1.

(ck () (c-quote (c-drop1 '(a b c d e f g))))  ; ==> '(b c d e f g)
(ck () (c-quote (c-drop2 '(a b c d e f g))))  ; ==> '(c d e f g)
(ck () (c-quote (c-drop3 '(a b c d e f g))))  ; ==> '(d e f g)
(ck () (c-quote (c-drop4 '(a b c d e f g))))  ; ==> '(e f g)
(ck () (c-quote (c-drop5 '(a b c d e f g))))  ; ==> '(f g)