- make-context KWARGSprocedure
Returns a context object: a closure that is used to maintain state information during the processing run. The following keywords are supported:
- vars alist, default = '()
- attrs alist, default = '()
- nsmap alist, default = (*default-nsmap*)
- locale alist, default = '()
- blocks alist, default = '()
- macros alist, default = '()
- state symbol, default = 'init
Directly manipulating the context object is not recommended. In general you should use context->context (see below). However, should you need to get or set any values, the closure responds to the following messages:
- (set-var! SYMBOL VALUE)
- (update-vars! ALIST)
- (set-vars! ALIST)
- (get-var SYMBOL)
- (get-vars)
- (get-field OBJ-NAME FIELD-NAME)
- (uri->pfx NAMESPACE-URI)
- (set-ns! PREFIX URI)
- (update-nsmap! ALIST)
- (set-nsmap! ALIST)
- (get-nsmap)
- (set-attrs! ALIST)
- (set-attr! SYMBOL VALUE)
- (get-attrs)
- (delete-attrs!)
- (get-block SYMBOL)
- (get-blocks)
- (get-macro SYMBOL)
- (get-macros)
- (set-locale! ALIST)
- (set-lang! LANG-CODE)
- (set-country! COUNTRY-CODE)
- (set-encoding! ENCODING-NAME)
- (set-date-format! DATE-FORMAT)
- (get-locale)
- (set-state! SYMBOL)
- (get-state)