chickadee » civet » context->context

context->context CONTEXT KWARGSprocedure

Returns a new context object based on the existing one, with all its data copied from the original except as modified by the KWARGS. The following keyword arguments are supported.

  • +vars Updates or sets one or more variables. Takes an alist.
  • +attrs Updates or sets one or more attributes. Takes an alist.
  • +nsmap Updates or sets one or more namespace bindings. Takes an alist.
  • +locale Updates or sets one or more locale options. Takes an alist.
  • +blocks Updates or sets one or more template blocks. Takes an alist.
  • +macros Updates or sets one or more template macros. Takes an alist.
  • -vars Unsets one or more variables. Takes a list of symbols.
  • -attrs Unsets one or more attributes. Takes a list of symbols.
  • -nsmap Unsets one or more namespace bindings. Takes a list of symbols.
  • -locale Unsets one or more locale options. Takes a list of symbols.
  • -blocks Unsets one or more template blocks. Takes a list of symbols.
  • -macros Unsets one or more template macros. Takes a list of symbols.
  • state Sets the state. Takes a symbol.