- bb:event PROPERTYprocedure
- set! (bb:event PROPERTY) VALUEsetter
Gets or sets the event properties given in PROPERTY (which should be symbol). Only click? and clicks properties can be set.
Allowed event properties are:
- alt
- ctrl
- shift
- click?
- button1
- button2
- button3
Whether mouse or special keyboard button was pressed.
- clicks
The number of clicks (N - 1 for N clicks)
- x
- y
- x-root
- y-root
- dx
- dy
- length
- text
The length and text.
- key
Which key was pressed. Possible values are:
- character
for ordinary keys
- the pair of character and kp
for keypad keys
- backspace
- tab
- enter
- pause
- scroll-lock
- escape
- home
- left
- up
- right
- down
- page-up
- page-down
- end
- insert
- menu
- help
- num-lock
- shift-l
- shift-r
- control-l
- control-r
- caps-lock
- meta-l
- meta-r
- alt-l
- alt-r
- delete
- F1...F24
- button1
- button2
- button3
- unknown
for special keys.