chickadee » allegro » font

Outdated egg!

This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.

If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.


This document pertains to font related methods found in the Allegro egg.

Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information.



font-align->int font-alignprocedure

font-align may be one of the following symbols:

  • left
  • center
  • right
int->font-align integerprocedure



font-data fontprocedure
font-height fontprocedure





(register-font-loader (string extension) (function font (string integer integer)))procedure

Implements al_register_font_loader.

load-bitmap-font* stringprocedure

Implements al_load_bitmap_font.

load-bitmap-font stringprocedure

Implements al_load_bitmap_font, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer.

(load-font* string (integer size) (integer flags))procedure

Implements al_load_font.

(load-font string (integer size) (integer flags))procedure

Implements al_load_font, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer.

(make-font-from-bitmap* bitmap (integer n) (s32vector ranges))procedure

Implements al_grab_font_from_bitmap.

(make-font-from-bitmap bitmap (integer n) (s32vector ranges))procedure

Implements al_grab_font_from_bitmap, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer.

free-font! fontprocedure

Implements al_destroy_font.

(font-draw-utf (font f) (color c) (float x) (float y) (font-align flags) (utf-string ustr))procedure

Implements al_draw_ustr.

(font-draw-string (font f) (color c) (float x) (float y) (font-align flags) (string text))procedure

Implements al_draw_text.

(font-draw-justified-string (font f) (color c) (float x1) (float x2) (float y) (float diff) (font-align flags) (c-string text))procedure

Implements al_draw_justified_text.

(font-draw-justified-utf-string (font f) (color c) (float x1) (float x2) (float y) (float diff) (font-align flags) (utf-string text))procedure

Implements al_draw_justified_ustr.

font-width font stringprocedure

Implements al_get_text_width.

font-utf-width font utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_get_ustr_width.

font-line-height fontprocedure

Implements al_get_font_line_height.

font-ascent fontprocedure

Implements al_get_font_ascent.

font-descent fontprocedure

Implements al_get_font_descent.

(font-utf-dimensions (font f) (utf-string text))procedure

Returns a 4-element list consisting of the bounding box elements: x, y, width and height.

(font-dimensions (font f) (string text))procedure

Returns a 4-element list consisting of the bounding box elements: x, y, width and height.


Implements al_init_font_addon.


Implements al_shutdown_font_addon.


Implements al_get_allegro_font_version.

True Type Font Support

(load-ttf* (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags))procedure

Implements al_load_ttf_font.

(load-ttf (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags))procedure

Implements al_load_ttf_font, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer.

(load-ttf-from-file* (file f) (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags))procedure

Implements al_load_ttf_font_f.

(load-ttf-from-file (file f) (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags))procedure

Implements al_load_ttf_font_f, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer.


Implements al_init_ttf_addon.


Implements al_shutdown_ttf_addon.


Implements al_get_allegro_ttf_version.

UTF Strings

make-utf-string* stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_new.

make-utf-string stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_new, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

make-utf-string-from-buffer* blobprocedure

Given a blob, produces a new utf-string.

make-utf-string-from-buffer blobprocedure

Given a blob, produces a new utf-string, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

free-utf-string! utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_free.

utf->string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_cstr.

utf->buffer! utf-string blobprocedure

Implements al_ustr_to_buffer.

utf->string-copy utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_cstr_dup.

utf-copy* utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_dup.

utf-copy utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_dup, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

(utf-substring* utf-string (integer start) (integer end))procedure

Implements al_ustr_dup_substr.

(utf-substring utf-string (integer start) (integer end))procedure

Implements al_ustr_dup_substr, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.


Implements al_ustr_empty_string.


Makes an empty utf-string struct, where the string pointer is unset.


Makes an empty utf-string struct, where the string pointer is unset, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

utf-reference-cstr* stringprocedure

Implements al_ref_cstr.

utf-reference-cstr stringprocedure

Implements al_ref_cstr, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

utf-reference-buffer* blobprocedure

Implements al_ref_buffer.

utf-reference-buffer blobprocedure

Implements al_ref_buffer, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

(utf-reference-utf-string* utf-string (integer start) (integer end))procedure

Implements al_ref_ustr.

(utf-reference-utf-string utf-string (integer start) (integer end))procedure

Implements al_ref_ustr, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer.

utf-size utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_size.

utf-length utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_length.

utf-offset utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_offset.

utf-next utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_next, modified to return #f at the end of the string.

utf-previous utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_prev, modified to return #f at the end of the string.

utf-get utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_get.

utf-get-next utf-string integerprocedure

Returns a 2-element list consisting of the next code and its position, or #f if at the end of the string.

utf-get-prev utf-string integerprocedure

Returns a 2-element list consisting of the previous code and its position, or #f if at the start of the string.

utf-remove-char! utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_remove_chr.

(utf-remove-range! utf-string (integer start) (integer end))procedure

Implements al_ustr_remove_range.

utf-truncate! utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_truncate.

utf-ltrim! utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_ltrim_ws.

utf-rtrim! utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_rtrim_ws.

utf-trim! utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_trim_ws.

utf-assign! utf-string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_assign.

(utf-assign-substring! utf-string utf-string (integer start) (integer end))procedure

Implements al_ustr_assign_substr.

utf-assign-string! utf-string stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_assign_cstr.

(utf-set-char! utf-string (integer pos) (integer char))procedure

Implements al_ustr_set_chr.

(utf-replace-range! utf-string (integer start) (integer end) utf-string)procedure

Implements al_ustr_replace_range.

(utf-find utf-string (integer start) utf-string)procedure

Implements al_ustr_find_str.

(utf-find-string utf-string (integer start) string)procedure

Implements al_ustr_find_cstr.

(utf-find-char utf-string (integer start) (integer char))procedure

Implements al_ustr_find_chr.

(utf-find-set utf-string (integer start) utf-string)procedure

Implements al_ustr_find_set.

utf-find-set-string utf-string integer stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_find_set_cstr.

utf-find-cset utf-string integer utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_find_cset.

utf-find-cset-string utf-string integer stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_find_set_cstr.

utf-rfind utf-string integer utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_rfind_str.

(utf-rfind-char utf-string integer (integer char))procedure

Implements al_ustr_rfind_char.

utf-rfind-string utf-string integer stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_rfind_cstr.

utf-find&replace! utf-string integer utf-string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_find_replace.

utf-find&replace-string! utf-string integer string stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_find_replace_cstr.

utf-equal? utf-string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_equal.

utf-compare utf-string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_compare.

utf-ncompare utf-string utf-string integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_ncompare.

utf-prefix? utf-string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_has_prefix.

utf-prefix-string? utf-string stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_has_prefix_cstr.

utf-suffix? utf-string utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_has_prefix.

utf-suffix-string? utf-string stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_has_suffix_cstr.

utf8-width integer32procedure

Implements al_utf8_width.

utf8-encode! blob integer32procedure

Implements al_utf8_encode.

utf-string-utf16-size utf-stringprocedure

Implements al_ustr_size_utf16.

utf-string-utf16-encode utf-string blob integerprocedure

Implements al_ustr_encode_utf16.

utf16-width integerprocedure

Implements al_utf16_width.

utf16-encode u16vector integer32procedure

Implements al_utf16_encode.

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