chickadee » allegro » config

Outdated egg!

This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.

If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.


This document pertains to configuration related methods found in the Allegro egg.

Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information.









Config Files


Implements al_create_config.


Implements al_create_config, with (free-config!) declared as a finalizer.

free-config! configprocedure

Implements al_destroy_config.

config-section-add! config stringprocedure

Implements al_add_config_section.

(config-value-set! config (string section) (string key) (string value))procedure

Implements al_set_config_value.

(config-comment-add! config (string section) (string comment))procedure

Implements al_add_config_comment.

(config-value config (string section) (string key))procedure

Implements al_get_config_value.

load-config* stringprocedure

Implements al_load_config_file.

load-config stringprocedure

Implements al_load_config_file, with (free-config!) decalred as a finalizer.

load-config-from-file* fileprocedure

Implements al_load_config_file_f.

load-config-from-file fileprocedure

Implements al_load_config_file_f, with (free-config!) declared as a finalizer.

config-save config stringprocedure

Implements al_save_config_file.

config-save-to-file config fileprocedure

Implements al_save_config_file_f.

config-merge! config configprocedure

Implements al_merge_config_into.

config-merge config configprocedure

Implements al_merge_config.

config-sections configprocedure

Creates an iterator that covers the sections of the given config.

Returns values of the form (list config-section promise).

(force) the promise to get the next section.

Needs testing!

config-entries config config-sectionprocedure

Creates an iterator that covers the entries of the given config and config-section.

Returns values of the form (list config-entry promise).

(force) the promise to get the next entry.

Needs testing!

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