chickadee » allegro » color

Outdated egg!

This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.

If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.


This document pertains to color related methods found in the Allegro egg.

Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information.



free-color! colorprocedure
color-red colorprocedure
color-green colorprocedure
color-blue colorprocedure
color-alpha colorprocedure




Implements al_get_allegro_color_version.

(hsv->rgb (float h) (float s) (float v))procedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements.

(rgb->hsl (float red) (float green) (float blue))procedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the hsl elements.

(hsl->rgb (float hue) (float saturation) (float lightness))procedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements.

name->rgb stringprocedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements.

(rgb->name (float red) (float green) (float blue))procedure

Returns a string representation of the rgb elements.

(cmyk->rgb (float cyan) (float magenta) (float yellow) (float key))procedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements.

(rgb->cmyk (float red) (float green) (float blue))procedure

Returns a 4-element list consisting of the cmyk elements.

(yuv->rgb (float y) (float u) (float v))procedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements.

(rgb->yuv (float red) (float green) (float blue))procedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the yuv elements.

(rgb->html (float red) (float green) (float blue))procedure

Returns a string consisting of the html representation.

html->rgb stringprocedure

Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements.

(make-color-rgb* (integer r) (integer g) (integer b))procedure

Creates a color struct from rgb elements.

(make-color-rgb (integer r) (integer g) (integer b))procedure

Creates a color struct from rgb elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

(make-color-rgba*(integer r) (integer g) (integer b) (integer a))procedure

Creates a color struct from rgba elements.

(make-color-rgba (integer r) (integer g) (integer b) (integer a))procedure

Creates a color struct from rgba elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

(make-color-yuv* (integer y) (integer u) (integer v))procedure

Creates a color struct from yuv elements.

(make-color-yuv (integer y) (integer u) (integer v))procedure

Creates a color struct from yuv elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

(make-color-cmyk* (integer c) (integer m) (integer y) (integer k))procedure

Creates a color struct from cmyk elements.

(make-color-cmyk (integer c) (integer m) (integer y) (integer k))procedure

Creates a color struct from cmyk elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

(make-color-hsl*(integer h) (integer s) (integer l))procedure

Creates a color struct from hsl elements.

(make-color-hsl (integer h) (integer s) (integer l))procedure

Creates a color struct from hsl elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

(make-color-hsv*(integer h) (integer s) (integer v))procedure

Creates a color struct from hsv elements.

(make-color-hsv (integer h) (integer s) (integer v))procedure

Creates a color struct from hsv elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

make-color-name* stringprocedure

Creates a color struct from a string name.

make-color-name stringprocedure

Creates a color struct from a string name, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

make-color-html* stringprocedure

Creates a color struct from a html representation.

make-color-html stringprocedure

Creates a color struct from a html representation, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer.

(color-yuv! color (float y) (float u) (float v))procedure

Maps yuv elements to a color struct.

(color-cmyk! color (float c) (float m) (float y) (float k))procedure

Maps cmyk elements to a color struct.

(color-hsl! color (float h) (float s) (float l))procedure

Maps hsl elements to a color struct.

(color-hsv! color (float h) (float s) (float v))procedure

Maps hsv elements to a color struct.

color-name! color stringprocedure

Maps a color name to a color struct.

color-html! color stringprocedure

Maps a html representation to a color struct.

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