chickadee » ws-client » message-frames

message-type WS-MESSAGEprocedure
message-data* WS-MESSAGEprocedure
message-frames WS-MESSAGEprocedure

WebSocket messages are represented with the record type ws-message.

For a message m, The procedure (message-type m) yields the type of m as specified by the opcode of its first frame, which is either 'text or 'binary.

If m is a message obtained with recv-message, (message-frames m) is a list of frames from which m has been assembled, after any per-frame transforms defined by extensions have been applied. In the absence of extensions which apply per-message transforms, (message-data* m) is the concatenation of the contents of each (frame-payload-data f) for f in (message-frames m).