- blob-sint-set! size endianness blob k nprocedure
Size must be a positive exact integer. K must be a valid index of blob; so must the indices {k, ..., k + size - 1}. Endianness must be an endianness object.
Blob-uint-ref retrieves the exact integer corresponding to the unsigned representation of size size and specified by endianness at indices {k, ..., k + size - 1}.
Blob-sint-ref retrieves the exact integer corresponding to the two's complement representation of size size and specified by endianness at indices {k, ..., k + size - 1}.
For blob-uint-set!, n must be an exact integer in the interval [0, (256^size)-1]. Blob-uint-set! stores the unsigned representation of size size and specified by endianness into the blob at indices {k, ..., k + size - 1}.
For blob-uint-set!, n must be an exact integer in the interval [-256^(size-1), (256^(size-1))-1]. Blob-sint-set! stores the two's complement representation of size size and specified by endianness into the blob at indices {k, ..., k + size - 1}.