chickadee » srfi-179 » specialized-array-reshape

(specialized-array-reshape array new-domain [ copy-on-failure? #f ])procedure

Assumes that array is a specialized array, new-domain is an interval with the same volume as (array-domain array), and copy-on-failure?, if given, is a boolean.

If there is an affine map that takes the multi-indices in new-domain to the cells in (array-body array) storing the elements of array in lexicographical order, returns a new specialized array, with the same body and elements as array and domain new-domain. The result inherits its mutability and safety from array.

If there is not an affine map that takes the multi-indices in new-domain to the cells storing the elements of array in lexicographical order and copy-on-failure? is #t, then returns a specialized array copy of array with domain new-domain, storage class (array-storage-class array), mutability (mutable-array? array), and safety (array-safe? array).

It is an error if these conditions on the arguments are not met.

Note: The code in the sample implementation to determine whether there exists an affine map from new-domain to the multi-indices of the elements of array in lexicographical order is modeled on the corresponding code in the Python library NumPy.

Note: In the sample implementation, if an array cannot be reshaped and copy-on-failure? is #f, an error is raised in tail position. An implementation might want to replace this error call with a continuable exception to give the programmer more flexibility.

Examples: Reshaping an array is not a Bawden-type array transform. For example, we use array-display defined below to see:

;;; The entries of A are the multi-indices of the locations

(define A (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(3 4)) list)))

(array-display A)

;;; Displays

;;; (0 0)   (0 1)   (0 2)   (0 3)
;;; (1 0)   (1 1)   (1 2)   (1 3)
;;; (2 0)   (2 1)   (2 2)   (2 3)

(array-display (array-rotate A 1))

;;; Displays

;;; (0 0)   (1 0)   (2 0)
;;; (0 1)   (1 1)   (2 1)
;;; (0 2)   (1 2)   (2 2)
;;; (0 3)   (1 3)   (2 3)

(array-display (specialized-array-reshape A (make-interval '#(4 3))))

;;; Displays

;;; (0 0)   (0 1)   (0 2)
;;; (0 3)   (1 0)   (1 1)
;;; (1 2)   (1 3)   (2 0)
;;; (2 1)   (2 2)   (2 3)

(define B (array-sample A '#(2 1)))

(array-display B)

;;; Displays

;;; (0 0)   (0 1)   (0 2)   (0 3)
;;; (2 0)   (2 1)   (2 2)   (2 3)

(array-display (specialized-array-reshape B (make-interval '#(8)))) => fails

(array-display (specialized-array-reshape B (make-interval '#(8)) #t))

;;; Displays

;;; (0 0)   (0 1)   (0 2)   (0 3)   (2 0)   (2 1)   (2 2)   (2 3)

The following examples succeed:

 (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list))
 (make-interval '#(6)))
 (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list))
 (make-interval '#(3 2)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)))
 (make-interval '#(6)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)))
 (make-interval '#(3 2)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #f #t))
 (make-interval '#(3 2)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #f #t))
 (make-interval '#(3 1 2 1)))
 (array-sample (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 4 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #f #t)) '#(1 1 2 1))
 (make-interval '#(4)))
 (array-sample (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 4 1)) list)) '#(#t #f #t #t)) '#(1 1 2 1))
 (make-interval '#(4)))

The following examples raise an exception:

 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#t #f #f #f))
 (make-interval '#(6)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#t #f #f #f))
 (make-interval '#(3 2)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #t #f))
 (make-interval '#(6)))
 (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #t #t))
 (make-interval '#(3 2)))
 (array-sample (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 3 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #f #t)) '#(1 1 2 1))
 (make-interval '#(4)) )
 (array-sample (array-reverse (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(2 1 4 1)) list)) '#(#f #f #t #t)) '#(1 1 2 1))
 (make-interval '#(4)))

In the next examples, we start with vector fields, $100\times 100$ arrays of 4-vectors. In one example, we reshape each large array to $100\times 100\times2\times2$ vector fields (so we consider each 4-vector as a $2\times 2$ matrix), and multiply the $2\times 2$ matrices together. In the second example, we reshape each 4-vector to a $2\times 2$ matrix individually, and compare the times.

(define interval-flat (make-interval '#(100 100 4)))

(define interval-2x2  (make-interval '#(100 100 2 2)))

(define A (array-copy (make-array interval-flat (lambda args (random-integer 5)))))

(define B (array-copy (make-array interval-flat (lambda args (random-integer 5)))))

(define C (array-copy (make-array interval-flat (lambda args 0))))

(define (2x2-matrix-multiply-into! A B C)
  (let ((C! (array-setter C))
        (A_ (array-getter A))
        (B_ (array-getter B)))
    (C! (+ (* (A_ 0 0) (B_ 0 0))
           (* (A_ 0 1) (B_ 1 0)))
        0 0)
    (C! (+ (* (A_ 0 0) (B_ 0 1))
           (* (A_ 0 1) (B_ 1 1)))
        0 1)
    (C! (+ (* (A_ 1 0) (B_ 0 0))
           (* (A_ 1 1) (B_ 1 0)))
        1 0)
    (C! (+ (* (A_ 1 0) (B_ 0 1))
           (* (A_ 1 1) (B_ 1 1)))
        1 1)))

;;; Reshape A, B, and C to change all the 4-vectors to 2x2 matrices

 (array-for-each 2x2-matrix-multiply-into!
                 (array-curry (specialized-array-reshape A interval-2x2) 2)
                 (array-curry (specialized-array-reshape B interval-2x2) 2)
                 (array-curry (specialized-array-reshape C interval-2x2) 2)))
;;; Displays

;;;    0.015186 secs real time
;;;    0.015186 secs cpu time (0.015186 user, 0.000000 system)
;;;    4 collections accounting for 0.004735 secs real time (0.004732 user, 0.000000 system)
;;;    46089024 bytes allocated
;;;    no minor faults
;;;    no major faults

;;; Reshape each 4-vector to a 2x2 matrix individually

 (array-for-each (lambda (A B C)
                    (specialized-array-reshape A (make-interval '#(2 2)))
                    (specialized-array-reshape B (make-interval '#(2 2)))
                    (specialized-array-reshape C (make-interval '#(2 2)))))
                 (array-curry A 1)
                 (array-curry B 1)
                 (array-curry C 1)))

;;; Displays

;;;    0.039193 secs real time
;;;    0.039193 secs cpu time (0.039191 user, 0.000002 system)
;;;    6 collections accounting for 0.006855 secs real time (0.006851 user, 0.000001 system)
;;;    71043024 bytes allocated
;;;    no minor faults
;;;    no major faults