chickadee » slib-wt-tree » wt-tree/min-pair

wt-tree/min treeprocedure
wt-tree/min-datum treeprocedure
wt-tree/min-pair treeprocedure

tree must not be empty.

Returns the association of tree with the least key in the sorted sequence of keys. wt-tree/min returns the least key, wt-tree/min-datum returns the value associated with the least key, and wt-tree/min-pair returns the least association as a (KEY . VALUE) pair. (O(log n))

(wt-tree/min tree) is equivalent to (wt-tree/index tree 0), and similarly for the other forms.

(let ((t (alist->wt-tree string-wt-type
                         '(("rincewind" . 23)
                           ("twoflower" . 11)
                           ("the luggage" . 31)))))
  (list (wt-tree/min t)
        (wt-tree/min-datum t)))
; -> ("rincewind" 23)