chickadee » sdl2-image » current-version


Returns a list of three nonnegative integers, indicating a version number of SDL_image. For example, the list (2 0 0) indicates SDL_image 2.0.0.

  • compiled-version returns the version of SDL_image that the sdl2-image egg was compiled with.
  • current-version returns the version of SDL_image that the sdl2-image egg is currently using.

For example, the user may have compiled the sdl2-image egg with SDL_image 2.0.1, then later upgraded SDL_image to 2.0.2, but not yet recompiled the sdl2-image egg with the new version. In such a case, compiled-version would return (2 0 1), and current-version would return (2 0 2). But, features from the new version would not be available until the user recompiles the sdl2-image egg.

See SDL_IMAGE_VERSION and IMG_LinkedVersion.