chickadee » msgpack » pack/blob

pack/blob valueprocedure

Will inter the right packer and return the message as a byte blob

These procedures will call primitive type packers, with the following rules:

  • if the value has a packer, apply it.
  • if the value is a string, it will be packed as str.
  • if the value is a blob, it will be packed as bin.
  • if the value is a char, it will be packed as a uint.
  • if the value is a list, it will be packed as an array.
  • if the value is a extension (see below), it will be packed as an ext

The /blob version return a blob of packed data, the others directly write it to the port.

Unpack procedures: <procedure>(unpack port [mapper])</procedure> Read msgpack data from port and return the unpacked data.