chickadee » chicken » fixnum » fx/

fx+ N1 N2procedure
fx- N1 N2procedure
fx* N1 N2procedure
fx/ N1 N2procedure
fxmod N1 N2procedure
fxrem N1 N2procedure
fxneg Nprocedure
fxmin N1 N2procedure
fxmax N1 N2procedure
fxand N1 N2procedure
fxior N1 N2procedure
fxxor N1 N2procedure
fxnot Nprocedure
fxshl N1 N2procedure
fxshr N1 N2procedure
fxgcd N1 N2procedure

fx+ and friends are arithmetic fixnum operations. These procedures do not check their arguments, so non-fixnum parameters will result in incorrect results. fxneg negates its argument.

On division by zero, fx/, fxmod and fxrem signal a condition of kind (exn arithmetic).

fxshl and fxshr perform arithmetic shift left and right, respectively.