chickadee » tweetnacl

Outdated egg!

This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.

If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.



Thomas Chust


This egg is a CHICKEN wrapper around TweetNaCl. The C source code for TweetNaCl is included in the egg.


 (require-extension tweetnacl)

Asymmetric Algorithms


A string that briefly describes the algorithm combination used to implement asymmetric cryptographic boxes.


The size of public keys for asymmetric cryptographic boxes in bytes.


The size of private keys for asymmetric cryptographic boxes in bytes.


The size of nonces for asymmetric cryptographic boxes in bytes.

make-asymmetric-box-keypair #!optional entropy-port current-entropy-portprocedure

Generate a new keypair for asymmetric boxing. Reads data from entropy-port. Returns two blobs representing the new public and secret key.

pksk m nprocedure

Encrypt and authenticate a message m from secret key sk to public key pk using nonce n for algorithm randomization. The plaintext m and the returned ciphertext are represented as strings, the nonce n is represented as a u8vector.

pksk c nprocedure

Decrypt and verify a message c from the public key pk to the secret key sk using nonce n for algorithm randomization. The ciphertext c and the returned plaintext are represented as strings, the nonce n is represented as a u8vector. If the authenticity of the message cannot be verified the procedure returns #f instead of a string.


A string that briefly describes the algorithm combination used to implement asymmetric cryptographic signatures.


The size of public keys for asymmetric cryptographic signatures in bytes.


The size of private keys for asymmetric cryptographic signatures in bytes.

make-asymmetric-sign-keypair #!optional entropy-port current-entropy-portprocedure

Generate a new keypair for asymmetric signing. Reads data from entropy-port. Returns two blobs representing the new public and secret key.

sk mprocedure

Sign a message m from secret key sk to the general public. The plaintext m and the returned signature message combination are represented as strings.

pk smprocedure

Decrypt and verify a message sm from the public key pk to the general public. The signature message combination sm and the returned plaintext are represented as strings. If the authenticity of the message cannot be verified the procedure returns #f instead of a string.


A string that briefly describes the scalar multiplication algorithm.


The size of field elements in bytes.


The size of scalar values in bytes.

scalarmult* n pprocedure

Multiplies the field element p by the scalar n and returns a new field element.

Warning: This is a low-level primitive that should be used with care. Key agreement schemes can be implemented using this function, but the result does have inherent algebraic structure and must be passed through a hash function before it can be used safely as a cryptographic key.

Symmetric Algorithms


A string that briefly describes the algorithm combination used to implement symmetric cryptographic boxes.


The size of shared keys for symmetric cryptographic boxes in bytes.


The size of nonces for symmetric cryptographic boxes in bytes.

make-symmetric-box-key #!optional entropy-port current-entropy-portprocedure

Generate a new key for symmetric boxing. Reads data from entropy-port. Returns a blob representing the new shared key.

derive-symmetric-box-key pk skprocedure

Derive a new key for symmetric boxing from secret key sk to public key pk. The results of

(symmetric-box (derive-symmetric-box-key pk sk))


(asymmetric-box pk sk)

are equivalent. The same holds for the corresponding unbox calls.

k m nprocedure

Encrypt and authenticate a message m using the shared key k and nonce n for algorithm randomization. The plaintext m and the returned ciphertext are represented as strings, the nonce n is represented as a u8vector.

k c nprocedure

Decrypt and verify a message c using the shared key k and nonce n for algorithm randomization. The ciphertext c and the returned plaintext are represented as strings, the nonce n is represented as a u8vector. If the authenticity of the message cannot be verified the procedure returns #f instead of a string.


A string that briefly describes the algorithm combination used to implement symmetric cryptographic one-time signatures.


The size of shared keys for symmetric cryptographic one-time signatures in bytes.

make-symmetric-sign-key #!optional entropy-port current-entropy-portprocedure

Generate a new key for symmetric signing. Reads data from entropy-port. Returns a blob representing the new shared key.

k m #!key tag-only?procedure

Sign a message m using the shared key k. The plaintext m and the returned signature message combination are represented as strings. If tag-only? is given and not #f, the procedure returns only the message authentication tag as a string rather than a combination of authentication tag and message.

k sm #!optional mprocedure

Decrypt and verify a message sm using the shared key k. The signature message combination sm and the returned plaintext are represented as strings. If the authenticity of the message cannot be verified the procedure returns #f instead of a string. If m is given and not #f it must be a string containing the plaintext of the message and sm is expected to only contain the message authentication tag in that case.

Pseudo-Random Streams


A string that briefly describes the algorithm combination used to implement pseudo-random streams.


The size of shared keys for pseudo-random streams in bytes.


The size of nonces for pseudo-random streams in bytes.

make-random-stream-key #!optional entropy-port current-entropy-portprocedure

Generate a new key for pseudo-random streams. Reads data from entropy-port. Returns a blob representing the new shared key.

derive-random-stream-key pk skprocedure

Derive a new key for pseudo-random streams from secret key sk to public key pk.

(open-random-stream k n #!optional [limit (expt 2 30)])procedure

Open a stream of pseudo-random bytes using the shared key k and nonce n for algorithm randomization. The stream ends after limit bytes, unless limit is #f or infinity.

(stream-xor! buffer #!optional [stream (current-input-port)])procedure

Destructively xors the contents of the string buffer with bytes read from stream. Returns buffer.

(stream-xor buffer #!optional [stream (current-input-port)])procedure

Xors the contents of the string buffer with bytes read from stream. Returns a new string holding the result.



A string that briefly describes the message digest algorithm.


The size of message digests in bytes.

hash mprocedure

Hashes the string m into a message digest. Returns the binary digest as a string.


An input port connected to an entropy source for key generation.

When compiled on a unix system, this parameter is by default bound to the result of (open-input-file "/dev/random"). When compiled on a windows system, the default value of the parameter is a custom input port that returns bytes produced by RtlGenRandom. On other systems the default value of the parameter will be #f and you will have to set it explicitly before key generation functions can be used.

To speed up key generation it can be useful to set current-entropy-port to a pseudo-random stream only seeded initially from the system entropy source:

 (current-entropy-port (open-random-stream (make-random-stream-key) (make-u8vector random-stream-noncebytes 0)))

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