chickadee » termite

Outdated egg!

This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.

If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.


Erlang style concurrency for Chicken Scheme


Fundamental Operations


spawn THUNKprocedure

Create a process running thunk and returns its pid.


! PID MSGprocedure

Send msg to process pid.


? #!optional TIMEOUT DEFAULTprocedure

Fetch a message from the mailbox. timeout is in seconds.


?? PREDprocedure

Fetches next message that matches pred.


!? PID MSG #!optional TIMEOUT DEFAULTprocedure

Send msg to process pid and wait for a reply.


(recv ((PAT VAR ACTION) [...]) [(after TIMEOUT TMO-ACTION)])procedure

Receive a message, when it matches pat put it in var and take action (there can be many of these). Optionally, do tmo-action after timeout.

(This was documented from the termite.pdf, but it's not exported in chicken's termite.)

Create a process running thunk and returns its pid and link to it. When either process dies, and exception is raised in the other process.


spawn-linked-to THUNK TOprocedure

Create a process running thunk and returns its pid and have it link to to (a pid). When either process dies, and exception is raised in the other process.

Distributed Operations


make-node HOST PORTprocedure

Creates a node object for host:port and returns the node object.


node-init NODEprocedure

Primary setup for creating a node to accept processes.


remote-spawn NODE THUNKprocedure

Run thunk on node, returns pid. Node needs to have done a node-init.

Run thunk on node and link to it, returns pid.


on NODE THUNKprocedure

Run thunk on node, returns result of thunk.

Error Handling


with-exception-catcher HANDLER BODYprocedure

Installs a dynamically scoped exception handler handler for the duration of body. Resumes execution a the point where the handler was installed.


with-exception-handler HANDLER BODYprocedure

Installs a dynamically scoped exception handler handler for the duration of body. Resumes execution a the point where the exception was raised.


raise EXCEPTIONprocedure

Raises exception.


catch HANDLER BODYprocedure

Catches an exception with handler during execution of body.




Stops gracefully. Linked processes receive a "normal" exit message.



Stops ungracefully. Linked processes are clueless as to what happened.


terminate! VICTIMprocedure

Forcefully terminate a local(!) process. Processed linked to victim get a terminated message.


Making a "server" process

(define pong-server
    (lambda ()
      (let loop ()
        (let ((msg (?)))
          (if (and (list? msg)
                   (= (length msg) 2)
                   (pid? (car msg))
                   (eq? (cadr msg) 'ping))
            (let ((from (car msg)))
              (! from 'pong)

(! pong-server (list (self) 'ping))

(?)                 --> pong

Selective message retrieval

(! (self) 1)
(! (self) 2)
(! (self) 3)

(?)                 --> 1
(?? odd?)           --> 3
(?)                 --> 2

Distributed processing

On node a:

(node-init (make-node "" 12345))

On node b:

(define node-a (make-node "" 12345))
(on node-a host-name)    --> ""
(define p (remote-spawn node-a
                        (lambda ()
                         (let loop ()
                          (let ((x (?)))
                            (! (car x) ((cdr x)))
(! p (cons (self) host-name))
(?)                      --> ""


There's a paper about Termite.


s11n mailbox mailbox-threads defstruct

Bugs and Limitations


Gulliaume Germain, ported to Chicken by Christian Kellermann

Version History


Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Guillaume Germain<br> Termite is licensed under the same terms as Gambit-C (LGPL and Apache v.2)<br> It comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind.<br> LGPL 2.1

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