chickadee » srfi-128 » >=?

=? comparator object1 object2 object3 ...procedure
<? comparator object1 object2 object3 ...procedure
>? comparator object1 object2 object3 ...procedure
<=? comparator object1 object2 object3 ...procedure
>=? comparator object1 object2 object3 ...procedure

These procedures are analogous to the number, character, and string comparison predicates of Scheme. They allow the convenient use of comparators to handle variable data types.

These procedures apply the equality and ordering predicates of comparator to the objects as follows. If the specified relation returns #t for all objecti and objectj where n is the number of objects and 1 <= i < j <= n, then the procedures return #t, but otherwise #f. Because the relations are transitive, it suffices to compare each object with its successor. The order in which the values are compared is unspecified.