chickadee » html-utils

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html-utils is an extension which provides procedures to ease the generation of some frequently used [SX]HTML structures.

html-utils is based on html-tags, so it can generate strings or SXML code. The html-tags' generate-sxml? parameter (yields a boolean) specifies whether html-utils should generate strings or SXML code.


 $ csi -n
 #;1> (use html-tags html-utils)
 #;2> (generate-sxml?)
 #;3> (itemize '(1 2 3))
 #;4> (generate-sxml? #t)
 #;5> (itemize '(1 2 3))
 (ul (li 1) (li 2) (li 3))


Mario Domenech Goulart



itemize items #!key list-id list-class quote-procedureprocedure

Generates an HTML unordered list of items. The following attributes may be used:

  • list-id: the value for the HTML id attribute for the list.
  • list-class: the value for the HTML class attribute for the list.
  • quote-procedure: an one-argument procedure to specify the quoting of attributes' values for tags.


(itemize '(apple watermelon strawberry))


(itemize '(apple watermelon strawberry) list-id: "my-list" list-class: "lists")


 "<ul id='my-list' class='lists'><li>apple</li><li>watermelon</li><li>strawberry</li></ul>"


enumerate items #!key list-id list-class quote-procedureprocedure

Generates an HTML ordered list of items. See itemize.


html-page contents #!key css title (doctype ) (headers ) charset content-type literal-style? html-attribs body-attribsprocedure

Generates an HTML page containing contents (a string). If contents starts with "<body" (case insensitive), html-page won't use the <body> tag to enclose contents. The following keywords arguments may be used to customize the page:

  • headers: a string (when not in SXML mode) or an SXML form (when in SXML mode) containing additional headers to be inserted in the section delimited by the <head> tag. Default = "".
  • title: the title for the page (to be used in the <title> tag). Default = "".
  • css: may be either a path to a Cascading Style Sheet file, to be linked from the generated page (the default value is #f, so no CSS is used) or a list of paths to CSS files. If a list of paths is used, the elements which are also lists are read and inlined into the generated page. Example: css: '("css1.css" ("css2.css")). In the example, css1.css would be linked from the generated page (using the link tag) and css2.css would be inlined into the generated page (e.g., html-page would read the css2.css file and inline its contents in the HTML code).
  • doctype: specifies the document type of the generated page. The default value is doctype:html-4.01-strict. The possible values are the ones available from the doctype egg.
  • charset: specifies the default charset to be used in the corresponding meta tag of the document. The default value is "UTF-8" (only when content-type is provided).
  • literal-style? (introduced in version 0.9): if #f, convert special characters in style code (CSS) to theyr equivalent HTML entities. If non-#f, insert them verbatim.
  • content-type (introduced in version 0.9) and charset work together: if content-type is provided and charset is not provided, charset is assumed to be "UTF-8"; if charset is provided and content-type is not provided, content-type is assumed to be "text/html" (if html-tags' generate-sxml? is #f) or "application/xhtml+xml" (if generate-sxml? is non-#f).
  • html-attribs (introduced in version 0.10): attributes to the html tag. The format is a list of lists (<attribute> <value>) (<attribute> is a symbol). Example: (html-page "foo" html-attribs: '((lang "us"))).
  • body-attribs (introduced in version 0.10): attributes to the body tag. The format is a list of lists (<attribute> <value>) (<attribute> is a symbol). Example: (html-page "foo" body-attribs: '((bgcolor "red"))).


(html-page "hello")


(html-page "hello" title: "hello")


(use doctype)
(html-page "hello" title: "hello" doctype: xhtml-1.0-strict)


 "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\"><html><head><title>hello</title></head><body>hello</body></html>"
(html-page "hello" headers: (<script> type: "text/javascript" src: "my-script.js"))


 "<html><head><script type='text/javascript' src='my-script.js'></script></head><body>hello</body></html>"    
(use html-tags html-utils)
(parameterize ((generate-sxml? #t))
  (html-page "hello"
             headers: (<script> type: "text/javascript"
                                src: "my-script.js")))


 (html (head (script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src "my-script.js")))) (body "hello"))


combo-box name options #!key default id first-empty onchange onkeyup disabled length multiple selectedindex size tabindex type classprocedure

Generates an HTML combo box using <select> and <option> tags. The keyword parameters id, onchange, onkeyup, disabled, length, multiple, selectedindex, size, tabindex, type and class are passed to the <select> procedure (from html-tags). default is the value from the list of options to be selected. If first-empty is #t, the first option of the combo box will be empty.


(combo-box "test" '(#(1 1) #(2 2) #(3 3)) first-empty: #t default: 2)


"<select name='test' id='test'><option></option><option value='1'>1</option><option value='2' selected>2</option><option value='3'>3</option></select>"


hidden-input name/list #!optional value idprocedure

Generates an HTML hidden input field. name/list can be either a string representing the name attribute of the HTML input tag or an alist mapping names to values to be used by the corresponding input tags. When name/list is a string, so representing the name of the input tag, the optional values VALUE and ID can be used to be represent the values of their corresponding HTML attributes.


(hidden-input 'secret-var "secret-val")


 "<input type='hidden' name='secret-var' id='secret-var' value='secret-val'>"
(hidden-input '((secret-var1 . "secret-val1") (secret-var2 . "secret-val2")))


 "<input type='hidden' id='secret-var1' name='secret-var1' value='secret-val1'><input type='hidden' id='secret-var2' name='secret-var2' value='secret-val2'>"


text-input name #!rest argsprocedure

Generates an input text box. args are keyword arguments to be passed to <input> (from html-tags).


(text-input "foo" value: "bar")


 "<input type='text' name='foo' id='foo' value='bar'>"


password-input name #!rest argsprocedure

The same as text-input, but for password inputs.


submit-input #!rest argsprocedure

Generates a submit widget. args are keyword arguments to be passed to <input> (from html-tags).

 (submit-input value: "Send!")


 "<input type='submit' value='Send!'>"


tabularize items #!key table-id table-class quote-procedure even-row-class odd-row-class headerprocedure

Generates an HTML table from items (a list of lists). The following keyword parameters may be used:

  • table-id: the value for the HTML id attribute for the table.
  • table-class: the value for the HTML class attribute for the table.
  • quote-procedure: an one-argument procedure to specify the quoting of attributes' values for tags.
  • even-row-class: the value for the HTML class attribute for even rows of the the table.
  • odd-row-class: the value for the HTML class attribute for odd rows of the the table.
  • header: a list of column names to be used as the table header (enclosed by the th tag).
  • thead/tbody: if #t, generates the table with <thead> and <tbody> tags.


(tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)))


(tabularize '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) table-id: "test" even-row-class: "yellow" odd-row-class: "blue")


"<table id='test'><tr class='yellow'><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr><tr class='blue'><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr></table>"





Version history

Version 0.10

Version 0.9

Version 0.8

Version 0.7

Version 0.6

Version 0.5

Version 0.5

Version 0.1

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