chickadee » efax » efax-send

(efax-send RECIPIENTS FILES [account: ACCOUNT] [username: USERNAME] [password: PASSWORD] [transmission-id: TID] [unique-id: UNIQUE?] [customer-id: CID] [self-busy: SELFBUSY?] [high-resolution: HIRES?] [high-priority: PRIO?])procedure

Send FILES (a list of pairs) as a fax message to RECIPIENTS, which is either a string, a list of strings or a list of alists identifying the recipients. If it's a string or list of strings, these are assumed to be the fax numbers for these recipients. If RECIPIENTS is an alist, it can contain the following keys: name, company and fax. fax is a string containing the fax number of this recipient (must be supplied), company is a string that holds the company name (optional) and name is a string that holds the recipient name (optional). These keys can be used in the fax header line.

FILES should be a list of pairs, the car being a symbol or string identifying the type of the file and the cdr being a string with the file's contents. The allowed values for the type are: pdf, txt, doc(x), xls(x), ppt(x), htm(l), png, smp, gif, tif(f), jp(e)g, or rtf.

If TID is given, this can later be used as a key to retrieve the status using efax-status. If UNIQUE? is #t, this key must be unique or an error is raised. Both default to #f.

CID is purely informational and will be returned in subsequent efax-status calls. Can be useful for accounting or debugging purposes. Defaults to #f.

If HIRES? is #t, the fax will be in high resolution and if PRIO? is #t, the fax will be given extra priority. Both these options cost extra! Both default to #f.

The result of this call is an alist with two keys:

The document ID of this transmission assigned by eFax.
The transmission ID which you supplied as TID, or #f if you didn't supply one.