chickadee » digraph » make-digraph



  • NAME is the graph name (string or symbol)
  • INFO is an optional metadata object of an arbitrary type or #f
  • NODE-LIST is an optional list of nodes to be inserted in the graph; each element of the list must be of the form (N INFO) where N is a unique node number (integer), and INFO is an optional metadata object describing the node.
  • SUCC-LIST and PRED-LIST can be used to define the graph edges upon graph creation. If supplied, these arguments must be lists in which every element is of the form (I J INFO), where I and J are node numbers, and INFO is an optional metadata object.

The returned selector procedure can take one of the following arguments:

returns the graph name (string or symbol)
returns the graph metadata (arbitrary type)
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the lowest available node number
returns a procedure LAMBDA N INFO which inserts in the graph node with number N and metadata INFO; if the node already exists in the graph, it will be overwritten with the new metadata
returns a procedure LAMBDA EDGE which inserts in the graph the specifed edge; the edge is given by a list of the form (I J INFO), where I and J are source and destination nodes, respectively, and INFO is edge metadata of arbitrary type
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which removes node N and all its edges from the graph
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with the nodes of the graph and their metadata
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with the edges of the graph and their metadata
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with all nodes in the graph that do not have an predecessor
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with all nodes in the graph that do not have a successor
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the number of nodes in the graph
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the number of edges in the graph
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the size of the underlying dynamic vector
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the successor nodes of node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the predecessor nodes of node N
returns a procedure with no arguments which returns a list containing the successor nodes for each node.
returns a procedure with no arguments which returns a list containing the predecessor nodes for each node.
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the outgoing edges of node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the incoming edges of node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA I J which returns true if edge I -> J exists in the graph and false otherwise
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns true if node N exists in the graph and false otherwise
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns the metadata for node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA N V which sets the metadata for node N
returns an iterator procedure LAMBDA F which iterates over the nodes in the graph by invoking function F on the node number and metadata of each node
returns an iterator procedure LAMBDA F which iterates over the edges in the graph by invoking function F on each edge
returns a list with the internal representation of the graph