chickadee » amazon-s3

Outdated egg!

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If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.

Amazon S3


A simple API to use the Amazon S3 service.


List of user configurable parameters


access-key #!optional stringparameter

This needs to be set before you can access S3. This is your AWS access key.


secret-key #!optional stringparameter

This needs to be set before you can access S3. This is your AWS secret key.


https #!optional booleanparameter

If set to #t Amazon S3 will be accessed via https. Defaults to #f. Deprecated in favor of make-base-uri.


A procedure of one argument which accepts a bucket name (either a string or #f if this is a request for managing buckets) and constructs the base URI (a uri-common object) for accessing the bucket.

The default method checks for https and constructs <bucket-name> if given a bucket, or if there is no bucket.

Overriding this allows you to use this egg with an S3-compatible storage that's not Amazon's original one (like for example a local Ceph instance).

List of Procedures

All procedures return three values. The first will be the return value for the procedure. The second is the request-uri. The third is the response object. See http-client's call-with-input-request (Amazon S3 uses this and returns the same values).

Errors are unspecified and will occur if you do anything that results in an error. Such as: not setting up your AWS access or secret keys correctly, trying to access something you don't have permissions to, trying to create a bucket that already exists, etc. This is subject to change.



Returns a list of your buckets.


bucket-exists? bucketprocedure

Returns #t when the specified bucket exists, #f otherwise.


create-bucket! bucketprocedure

Creates a bucket. If the bucket already exists, you will most likely get an error. The result of this call is unspecified.


delete-bucket! bucketprocedure

Attempts to delete the specified bucket. If the bucket doesn't exist or can't be deleted, you will get an unspecified error.


list-objects bucketprocedure

Returns a list of all the objects in the specified bucket.


put-object! bucket key object-thunk object-length object-typeprocedure

This is the basic/raw way of putting an object on S3. It is recommended to use either put-string! or put-sexp!, if you can. Takes a bucket, a key (string) for identifying the object, a thunk that returns the object, the length of the object, and the object type.

If the key already specifies an object on S3, the object will be replaced.

As an example, put-string! is implemented like this: (put-object! bucket key (lambda () string) (string-length string) "text/plain").

The return is unspecified.


put-string! bucket key stringprocedure

Simply takes a bucket, key (string) to identify the string, and the string to put on S3; and pushes the string to S3.

If the key already specifies an string on S3, the string will be replaced.

The return is unspecified.


put-sexp! bucket key sexpprocedure

Simply takes a bucket, key (string) to identify the sexp, and a quoted s-expression to put on S3; and pushes the s-expression to S3.

If the key already specifies a s-exp on S3, the s-exp will be replaced.

The return is unspecified.


put-file! bucket key file-pathprocedure

Upload a file.


get-file bucket key file-pathprocedure

Retrieve arbitrary item and write it to file-path.


get-object bucket keyprocedure

Takes a bucket and an object key and returns the object identified by the key. Note that all procedures that call to S3 also return request response.


get-string bucket keyprocedure

Takes a bucket and an object key and returns the string identified by the key.


get-sexp bucket keyprocedure

Takes a bucket and an object key and returns the s-expression identified by the key. Note that a returned s-expression must be evaled before it can be treated as code.


delete-object! bucket keyprocedure

Takes a bucket and an object key and attempts to delete the object identified by the key. If the object can't be deleted, an unspecified error will occur.

List of macros


(with-bucket bucket ...)syntax

All amazon-s3 operations in the body will use the specified bucket without requiring it to be explicitly set.

WARNING! DEPRECATED This is broken and only works with calls that start with bucket. The next version of this lib will make this pattern obsolete.

(with-bucket "foo"
  (put-file! "foo-file" "~/foo")
  (get-file "foo-file" "~/foo2"))

(with-bucket "foo"
  (+ 1 2 3)) ; this will not work!



Thomas Hintz


Seth Alves


The source is maintained on github.

Version History


Initial release.

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