chickadee » noise » simplex-noise-4d



   (snoise (POSITION #:vec4)) -> #:float

Given a 4D position, return the simplex noise value at that point.

   (fractal-snoise (POSITION #:vec4) (OCTAVES #:int) (FREQUENCY #:float) 
                   (AMPLITUDE #:float) (PERSISTENCE #:float) (LACUNARITY #:float) 
        -> #:float

Given a 4D position, return the fractal simplex noise value at that point. OCTAVES is the number of octaves of noise to sample, FREQUENCY is the frequency of the first octave, AMPLITUDE is the amplitude of the first octave, PERSISTENCE is the amount by which the frequency is scaled over each octave, LACUNARITY is the amount by which the amplitude is scaled over each octave