chickadee » imlib2 » image-blend!

(image-blend img src-img #!key (merge-alpha #t) (src-x 0) (src-y 0) (src-width (image-width src-img)) (src-height (image-height src-img)) (dest-x 0) (dest-y 0) (dest-width (image-width src-img)) (dest-height (image-height src-img)))procedure
(image-blend! img src-img #!key (merge-alpha #t) (src-x 0) (src-y 0) (src-width (image-width src-img)) (src-height (image-height src-img)) (dest-x 0) (dest-y 0) (dest-width (image-width src-img)) (dest-height (image-height src-img)))procedure

Blend src-img onto img, possibly cropping and scaling it. The default behavior is to blend src-img in total and in its original size onto the top left corner of img.