Outdated egg!
This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.
If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.
This extension provides a basic implementation of the Remote Framebuffer Protocol (http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6143.txt). Both a server and a client is available, but currently only Raw and CopyRect encoding is supported.
Security types are currently not supported and authentification is not provided.
Connection managment
- rfb-server #!key (port 5900) access (name rfb)procedure
Creates a TCP socket and waits for clients to connect on the given port. Returns an rfb-session object if a connection could be established.
- rfb-connect HOSTNAME #!key (port 5900) sharedprocedure
Connects to an RFB server on the given host and port. If shared is given and true, then this requests a non-exclusive connection, where other clients are allowed to share this session. Returns an rfb-session when the connection could be established.
- rfb-close RFBSESSIONprocedure
Closes an RFB client- or server connection.
Sending and receiving messages
Server messages
- read-client-message RFBSESSIONprocedure
Waits for a message from an RFB client and returns an s-expression representing the message or end-of-file if the connection was closed.
Client messages may be any of the following:
Message Meaning (SetPixelFormat PIXELFORMAT) Client request to change the pixel format to the one given in the contained pixel-format object (SetEncodingType INTEGER ...) Client request to change the current encoding type (FramebufferUpdateRequest INCREMENTAL? X Y W H) Client request for changes covering the designated area (KeyEvent DOWN? KEYCODE) Key-up/down event (PointerEvent BUTTONMASK X Y) Mouse and/or Mousebutton event (ClientCutText STRING) Request to copy string to clipboard
- framebuffer-update-rectangle RFBSESSION RECTANGLEprocedure
Sends a FramebufferUpdateRequest to the client. RECTANGLE should be a rectangle object as returned by rectangle (see below).
- framebuffer-update-rectangles RFBSESSION RECTANGLELISTprocedure
Sends a list of rectangles to the client.
- set-colour-map-entries RFBSESSION U16VECTOR #!optional (first 0)procedure
Sends a request to change an entry in the colour map of the client.
- bell RFBSESSIONprocedure
Asks the client to ring the bell.
- server-cut-text RFBSESSION STRINGprocedure
Copies a string to the client's clipboard.
Client messages
- read-server-message RFBSESSIONprocedure
Waits for a message from an RFB server and resturns an s-expression representing the message or end-of-file if the connection was closed.
Server messages may be any of the following:
Message Meaning (FramebufferUpdate RECT ...) Sends a list of rectangles to be updated, see brlow for a description of RECT (SetColourMapEntries INDEX U16VECTOR) Server request to change the entries in the colour-map to the RGB values given in the vector, starting at colour-index INDEX (Bell) Server request to the ring bell (ServerCutText STRING) Text pasted from clipboard A RECT sent via a framebuffer update request has one of the following forms:
- (Raw #(X Y W H U8VECTOR))
- A bitmap in "Raw" encoding with given position, shape and data
- (CopyRect #(X Y W H X2 Y2))
- A request to copy the bitmap with the given position and size to position X2/Y2
Other encoding types can be handled using the register-encoding-type procedure (see below).
- set-pixel-format RFBSESSION PIXELFORMATprocedure
Requests to change the pixel format to PIXELFORMAT, which should be a pixel-format object as returned by pixel-format (see below).
- set-encoding-type RFBSESSION INTEGERprocedure
Requests to change the default encoding type.
- framebuffer-update-request RFBSESSION X Y W H #!optional (incremental #t)procedure
Requests an update for the given framebuffer area, optionally asking only for incremental changes.
- key-event RFBSESSION KEYCODE #!optional (down #t)procedure
Sends a key-up/down event to the server.
- pointer-event RFBSESSION BUTTONMASK X Yprocedure
Sends a mouse move or button event to the server.
- client-cut-text RFBSESSION STRINGprocedure
Copies a string to the server's clipboard.
Encoding types
- encoding-type SYMBOLprocedure
Returns the integer code of the encoding type designated by SYMBOL. Predefined encoding type names are:
Name Encoding type Raw 0 CopyRect 1 RRE 02 Hextile 5 TRLE 15 ZRLE 16 Cursor -239 DesktopSize -223 Other encoding types can be defined by register-encoding-type (see below).
- encoding-type-name INTEGERprocedure
Returns the name associated with the encoding type code.
- register-encoding-type INTEGER SYMBOL DECODERprocedure
Defines a custom encoding type with the given code and name. DECODER should be a procedure and will be called in an RFB client when a server sends data of this type. The procedure should take a single argument, the port from which the data should be read. The returned value will be added to a (FramebufferUpdate ...) message expression and returned when the server message is translated in a call to read-server-message.
RFB-session objects
- rfb-session? Xprocedure
Returns true if X is an rfb session object.
- rfb-session-encoding-type RFBSESSIONprocedure
- rfb-session-pixel-format RFBSESSIONprocedure
- rfb-session-width RFBSESSIONprocedure
- rfb-session-height RFBSESSIONprocedure
- rfb-session-name RFBSESSIONprocedure
- rfb-session-input-port RFBSESSIONprocedure
- rfb-session-output-port RFBSESSIONprocedure
Accessors for the components of an RFB session object.
Pixel formats
- pixel-format #!key (bits-per-pixel 32) (depth 24) (big-endian X) (true-color #t) (red-max 255) (green-max 255) (blue-max 255) (red-shift 16) (green-shift 8) (blue-shift 0)procedure
Returns a pixel-format object representing the given pixel format. The endinanness defaults to the endianness this process is running on.
- pixel-format? Xprocedure
Returns true, if X is a pixel-format object.
- pixel-format-bits-per-pixel PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-depth PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-big-endian? PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-true-color? PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-red-max PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-green-max PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-blue-max PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-red-shift PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-green-shift PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-blue-shift PIXELFORMATprocedure
- pixel-format-bits-per-pixel PIXELFORMATprocedure
Accessors for the components of a pixel-format object.
- convert-to-pixel-format RECTANGLE PIXELFORMATprocedure
Returns a new rectangle with its data converted to the given pixel format.
- (rectangle X Y W H U32VECTOR #!optional (encoding (encoding-type 'Raw)))procedure
Returns an rectangle object representing the given frame-buffer area.
- copy-rectangle X Y W H X2 Y2procedure
Returns a rectangle object representing a copy of the framebuffer area with the given position and size.
A R-pentomino in Life:
;;;; life.scm (use rfb srfi-25) (use matchable miscmacros) (define-values (width height cellsize) (let-optionals (command-line-arguments) ((w "100") (h "100") (cellsize "3")) (values (string->number w) (string->number h) (string->number cellsize)))) (define world (make-array (shape 0 width 0 height) #f)) (define next-world (make-array (shape 0 width 0 height) #f)) (define added '()) (define removed '()) (define (add-cell x y) (array-set! world x y #t) (array-set! next-world x y #t) (push! (cons x y) added)) ; R-pentomino (let ((x (quotient width 2)) (y (quotient height 2))) (add-cell x y) ; ** (add-cell (add1 x) y) ; ** (add-cell (sub1 x) (add1 y)) ; * (add-cell x (add1 y)) (add-cell x (+ y 2))) (define (tick) (let ((live 0)) (do ((x 0 (fx+ x 1))) ((fx>= x width)) (do ((y 0 (fx+ y 1))) ((fx>= y height)) (let ((now (array-ref world x y)) (n 0)) (when now (inc! live)) (do ((i -1 (fx+ i 1))) ((fx>= i 2)) (do ((j -1 (fx+ j 1))) ((fx>= j 2)) (when (and (or (not (zero? i)) (not (zero? j))) (array-ref world (modulo (fx+ x i) width) (modulo (fx+ y j) height))) (set! n (fx+ n 1))))) (cond (now (when (or (fx< n 2) (fx> n 3)) (array-set! next-world x y #f) (push! (cons x y) removed))) ((eq? n 3) (array-set! next-world x y #t) (push! (cons x y) added)))))) (exchange! world next-world) (for-each (match-lambda ((x . y) (array-set! next-world x y #t))) added) (for-each (match-lambda ((x . y) (array-set! next-world x y #f))) removed) live)) (define cell (make-u32vector (* cellsize cellsize) #xffffff)) (define empty (make-u32vector (* cellsize cellsize) 0)) (define (test) (let ((rs ((rfb-server) (* cellsize width) (* cellsize height)))) (let loop () (let ((m (read-client-message rs))) ;(pp m) (match m (('FramebufferUpdateRequest #f x y w h) (framebuffer-update-rectangle rs (rectangle 0 0 (* width cellsize) (* height cellsize) (make-u32vector (* w h) 0)))) (('FramebufferUpdateRequest #t x y w h) (tick) (framebuffer-update-rectangles rs (map (match-lambda ((x . y) (rectangle (fx* x cellsize) (fx* y cellsize) cellsize cellsize cell))) added)) (framebuffer-update-rectangles rs (map (match-lambda ((x . y) (rectangle (fx* x cellsize) (fx* y cellsize) cellsize cellsize empty))) removed)) (set! added '()) (set! removed '())) ((? eof-object?) (exit)) (('KeyEvent . _) (exit)) (_ #f)) (loop))))) (test)
You can test this against a VNC viewer, or try this client:
;;;; client.scm (use rfb srfi-18 matchable ansi-escape-sequences extras posix miscmacros) (define-optionals ((host "localhost") (count "100000")) (command-line-arguments)) (define rfb (rfb-connect host)) (thread-sleep! 1) (print* (erase-display)) (set-pixel-format rfb (pixel-format bits-per-pixel: 8 depth: 6 red-max: 3 green-max: 3 blue-max: 3 red-shift: 4 green-shift: 2 blue-shift: 0)) (define fw (rfb-session-width rfb)) (define fh (rfb-session-height rfb)) (framebuffer-update-request rfb 0 0 fw fh #f) (let loop ((i (string->number count))) (when (positive? i) (framebuffer-update-request rfb 0 0 fw fh #t) (thread-sleep! 0.1) (match (read-server-message rfb) ((? eof-object?) #f) (('FramebufferUpdate rects ...) (for-each (lambda (rect) (match rect (('Raw #(x y w h data)) (do ((i 0 (add1 i))) ((>= i h)) (do ((j 0 (add1 j))) ((>= j w)) (print* (cursor-position (+ y i) (+ x j)) (if (zero? (u8vector-ref data (+ j (* i w)))) #\. #\*))))) (msg #f))) rects) (loop (sub1 i))) (_ (loop (sub1 i)))))) (rfb-close rfb)
Copyright (c) 2011, Felix L. Winkelmann All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Version History
- 0.2
- some API changes, added documentation
- 0.1
- initial release